AANP Annual Convention Registration open


The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 2016 Annual Convention and Exhibition is being called a diversified experience. July 27-30, the exhibition will be held at the Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort in Salt Lake City, Utah.


“This year’s meeting will respond to the changing health care environment in America, and help prepare you for our increasingly diverse patient population. The meeting will foster discussions and encourage action to develop programs that promote DIVERSITY in health care.  We are building an educational program that will provide practitioners with information and techniques they can use immediately,” says the AANP on their website.


This will be a great opportunity for heath care practitioners of all kinds to come together for strategic insights and professional networking.


To register, go to: http://www.naturopathic.org/ev_calendar_day.asp?date=7/27/2016%208:00:00%20AM&eventid=26



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