Do any probiotics on the market work?



Because 70 percent of our immune system is housed in the gut, keeping this organ system in tip-top shape is extremely important. What’s more, according to the Canadian Digestive
Health Foundation, more than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every day. As such, the gut health market is a very lucrative category for any natural products retailer. Today, probiotics are taking this segment by storm.
In 2015, the size of the probiotics market was over USD $35 million, a number that is only set to grow; from 2016 to 2023, Global Market Insight predicts a seven percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for probiotic sales. Probiotics help to maintain a healthy, balanced gut microbiome, and are available in many forms, including fermented foods, drinks, and shelf-stable supplements. Many probiotic strains are also available for use.
However, these bacterias come with one pertinent issue: because their delicate structure cannot handle the harsh gastric environment, they often are unable to survive their trip to the lower intestines, where they are desperately needed. Soil-based organisms (SBOs), including lignite extract, may be more effective than traditional probiotics for this reason. While the aforementioned bacteria are often unable to reach the small intestines, SBOs are able to “seed” the digestive tract. This is due to their natural protective shell, which protects them from acidity in the stomach and upper intestines.
Moreover, while this study focuses on lignite extract’s potential for repairing the guts of gluten-sensitive patients, its applications go far beyond just this. Due to its ability to repair tight junction injury, this product is useful for the general maintenance of gut health especially when it comes to protection against harmful environmental and dietary toxins.
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in a popular herbicide, has had an ever-expanding presence in our food supply over the last two to three decades. This chemical wreaks havoc
on the gut and its lining, causing a variety of health issues that include inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, kidney disease, and others.
Because lignite extracts work to restore proper tight junction functions, it has been significantly proven to block the flow of glyphosate throughout the body. This way, it helps to prevent the severe damage glyphosate can cause. As such, a lignite extract is an effective option for all of your clients-those with or without non-celiac gluten sensitivity. By offering your clients an all-around solution to poor gut health, you’ll inevitably boost their quality of life and your bottom line.


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