The fiber and/or polyphenols present in lingonberries null the glycemic effect of the sugars present in the berries


Two postprandial crossover studies with healthy normal-weight male subjects were conducted to study the influence of commercial lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) powder on postprandial glycemia and lipemia. The test meals contained fat-free yogurt with either glucose (50 g) or triacylglycerols (35 g) with or without the lingonberry powder. The lingonberry powder, which is a rich source of polyphenols, provided the meals with a known amount of fiber and a known amount and composition of sugars. Postprandial glucose, insulin, and triacylglycerol responses were analyzed. There were no significant differences in the postprandial glucose concentration between the meals in the glycemia trial despite the fact that the lingonberry meal contained more glucose and fructose. No glycemia or lipemia-lowering effects were detected when the meal contained added triacylglycerol without the added sugar. On the contrary, there were indications of higher glycemic and insulinemic effects after the lingonberry meal. The authors concluded that the fibers and/or polyphenols present in lingonberries null the glycemic effect of the sugars present in the berries when consumed together with added glucose. By contrast, the lingonberry powder did not affect the postprandial lipemic response. Nutr Res. 2012 Jul;32(7):471- 8. PMID: 22901554


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