Teens 101 to Help Young Canadians Get Back on Track


ThinkstockPhotos-478770342Canamedia, an independent production company, is producing Teens 101 – interactive, multimedia, multi-platform program aimed at informing and supporting youth and their families facing life challenges. Comprising of a television series, in-class lesson plans and mobile and web support systems, the program’s topics focus on youth mental health and well-being issues, such as peer pressure, bullying, family dynamics, addictions, body image, depression and anxiety.


Teens 101 is a great way to encourage teens and young adults to think about their overall wellness,” says Radhika Subramanyan, chief executive officer of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch. “Realizing that they are not alone in facing stress and challenges and knowing how and when to seek out support is key to them developing into mentally healthy adults. We are proud to work with Canamedia on this important project.”


“I want to produce this show that conveys to teens, that no matter what stressful challenges they may be facing, they’re not alone,” says Daniel D’Or, producer and director of the 13-episode television series.


Teens 101 combines dramatic recreations with intimate, anecdotal interviews from youth and their families with each story depicting how individuals struggling through their experiences found a way get back on track.


Classroom lesson plans will be designed by the parent corporation of Canamedia and Teens 101 Inc., Magic Lantern Media Inc. who currently provides curriculum-correlated media to schools across Canada.


“The program designs for our social media and web interactive campaigns are courageous and raw with our direct ‘teen-to-teen’ approach,” says digital producer Brad Schroeder. “By utilizing a multitude of dynamic technologies we endeavour to engage today’s youth by communicating through mediums youth will connect with and understand.”


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