Pascoe: Integrating the Use of Basentabs with Evidence Based Medicine


Following an EBM model, Dr. Emile Compan will be sharing his clinical experience and help you rediscover some of these often overlooked and forgotten fundamentals and the importance of restoring the patient’s acid-base homeostasis.


If you treat patients with chronic inflammatory or degenerative conditions, who are on protein pump inhibitors; are sleep deprived and live stressful lives, then this webinar is a must. Through simple lab tests and the use of Pascoe remedies you will discover how to quickly restore your patient’s acid-base homeostasis and help them on their journey to health.


Emile Compan BSc, ND graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. He attended both the University of Victoria and Concordia University in Montreal and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science with an emphasis in human physiology and histology.

Emile is also a cancer survivor and volunteered with a cancer survivor group called Hope and Cope based out of the Montreal Jewish General hospital for ten years. During that period he was a facilitator for the young adult group and had appeared on a number of TV programs, radio talk shows and published a number of articles.

For the past 15 years, Emile has a private practice in the Orleans area and is also currently working as a part time consultant at a local health food store called Pantry Plus. He has done extensive training on Pascoe products through participation in multiple lecture series in Germany and in Canada and is very experienced with using this type of natural medicine.


This free webinar will take place on Tuesday, June 21 at 8:00 p.m. EST.


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