Cyto-Matrix Donates $50,000 to Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (OICC) Foundation Campaign: Changing How We Live With Cancer


“Cyto-Matrix is honoured to support the OICC Foundation,” says Loretta Masaro, CEO of Cyto-Matrix. “We are privileged to have this state of the art facility within our community to serve whole patient care to those in need. The OICC represents leadership and is an example to the rest of the country with how their integrative team approach puts the patient first to achieve positive outcomes. As a professional natural health products company, Cyto-Matrix shares this vision. Supporting the Foundation means that more people will be able to access and benefit from this quality care model.”


Changing How We Live with Cancer is a $5 million fundraising campaign to fund essential patient programs, innovative research, and subsidized patient care for those unable to afford integrative cancer care at the OICC.


“We are truly fortunate to have the leadership and endorsement of Bryan Murray and the Senators Foundation in our campaign ‘Changing how we live with Cancer,’” says Dr. Dugald Seely, executive director of the OICC. With the generous support of responsible industry partners like CytoMatrix, I see the goal of expanding integrative oncology services and research as achievable in Canada. We are thankful for this support and hope it spurs on similar actions from others who may be so inspired.”


More information and how to donate here.


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