A specialized lollipop can end a kid’s earache in nine of ten cases


Dr. Scott Morehouse has developed ClearPop—a lollipop with a patented shape optimized to pull congestion out of the middle ear and into the mouth. It works by equalizing  pressure in the obstructed Eustachian tube of the infected ear.



“Eardrops don’t work,” says Dr. Morehouse, founder of ClearPop, “because the Eustachian tube, where the pain occurs, is connected to the mouth, not the outer ear.”


Due to increasing concern about antibiotic overuse, the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends against the use of antibiotics to treat routine ear infections in children over 2.


Clinical tests were done to support the efficacy of ClearPop. Children diagnosed with Acute Otitis Media, or ear infection, consumed the xylitol and Vitamin C-based product in pediatric offices. After 20 minutes, 88.5 per cent reported their ear pain dramatically reduced or vanished. The earache episode was totally resolved for 80 per cent of children.


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