Pregnancy and Potatoes: A Match Made in Heaven

Pregnancy and Potatoes: A Match Made in Heaven

Pregnant and craving potatoes? Well eat up! A new study presented at the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting in Boston MA indicates vegetable consumption – including starchy vegetables – falls far short of recommended levels among women of childbearing age. According to the study women between the ages of 19-50 consume only half of the recommended servings of vegetables per day and consequently are missing out on the key nutrients vegetables provide including potassium fiber and folate.


“A nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle are crucial before during and after pregnancy to optimize the health for both mother and child” stated Maureen Storey PhD co-author of the study and president and CEO of the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE).”The results of APRE’s study show that the intake of key nutrients from vegetables including white potatoes by women of childbearing age are well below adequate levels for the nutrition they need.”


APRE researchers examined total vegetable and white potato consumption among women of child bearing age (19-50 years of age) using the most recent data available from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and the Food Pyramid Equivalents Database 2009-2010 and 2011-2012.The results indicated that on average women consumed just 1.36 cup equivalents per day of total vegetables. The current recommendation for vegetable intake among this group is 2.5-3 cup equivalents per day (depending on calorie needs). White potato consumption averaged about 2 cups per week; the recommendation for starchy vegetables is 5-6 cups per week. Contrary to popular opinion French fried potatoes were consumed in moderation averaging just one-half cup per week.


Not surprisingly the low intakes of vegetables including white potatoes resulted in low intakes of key nutrients. For example mean intakes of potassium and dietary fiber were approximately 50% of the recommended intake.


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