Health Canada Advisory suspends two natural health product licences

Health Canada Advisory suspends two natural health product licences

Health Canada has suspended the licences of two natural health products containing the ingredient male fern (Dryopteris filix-max), a traditional treatment to expel intestinal tapeworms in therapeutic doses of 1 gram to 15.5 grams. Based on current safety information, Health Canada has identified that products containing male fern at these levels may cause adverse effects including liver damage, blindness and death.


Safety information has raised potential concerns regarding effects of the specific ingredient at higher doses, and as such consumers should stop using the affected products immediately as they may pose a serious health risk. The licence holders, Natures Formulae Health Products Ltd. (Paranil) and Les Herbes Pures J.B. Ltée (W.-W), have been advised. These products can no longer be sold on the Canadian market.


Consumers who have used W.-W and have health concerns should speak to their healthcare practitioner and report any adverse events to Health Canada Les Herbes Pure JB Ltée has agreed to stop sale and recall W.-W (limited distribution of approximately 360 bottles). Health Canada is monitoring the recall and will inform Canadians should new information become available. According to Natures Formulae Health Products Ltd., Paranil was never sold in Canada.
It is important to note that male fern is not used widely and has limited use in small populations of patients.
To report side effects to health products to Health Canada, call toll-free at 1-866-234-2345



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