Fancy Food Show offers healthy snack alternatives

Fancy Food Show offers healthy snack alternatives

The summer Fancy Food Show hosted a lot of food companies making their contributions to the industry this year. Fiber and protein-packed snacks were on the rise as well as the use of peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas. Bean chips from The Good Bean that combine chickpeas with lentils, navy beans and pea protein with sweet potato and quinoa were a hit at the show. Maya Kaimal, Saffron Road and Biena Foods were other names that continued the chickpea snacks trend.

“People are tryint to give up their potato chips for something with a healthier profile, but they also crave taste and texture. Roasted chickpeas are tasty, crunchy and satisfying without all the calories and fat,” Biena Foods founder Poorvi Patodin told Food Navigator-USA.

Beanitos was one of the companies offering the new Beanitos puffs with 4g of fiber, 5g of protein, 4g fat and 120 calories. Another ingredient making an appearance across the booths was seaweed. Brands like Ocean’s Halo and Seasnax featured seaweed chips and roasted seaweed sheets respectively, taking advantage of seaweed’s high-fiber, protein, vitamin and mineral content.


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