California Poppy

California Poppy

Name of ingredient

California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)


An alternative to synthetic drugs for acute or chronic pain such as osteoarthritis and pain-related insomnia.


Throughout history, various cultures have used herbs to treat pain. Today the mechanisms of action of many of these herbs have been elucidated, and not surprisingly, these are similar to the mechanism of synthetic drugs. The main difference between a drug and an herbal medicine is that the drug usually consists of a single pure ingredient, whereas the herb consists of a blend of active ingredients.


Must be a standardized extract from dried herb tops to be effective.


The herb’s pain relief benefits are derived from its multiple ingredients, usually acting through different pain relief pathways (i.e., anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic). The relatively lower dose of the ingredients, along with the multiple activities, is usually what gives the herb its safety profile and efficacy.

Dosage required to be effective

Wampole Vitalis Nightime Relief with California poppy contains 500mg of a standardized extract equivalent to 2.5g of California poppy (dried herb top) per capsule.



Side effects

Given its potency, California poppy should be used with caution and certainly always in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended use and risk statements (i.e., cautions, warnings). It is important to look for products that are approved by Health Canada, as this tells you that the dose levels have been determined to be safe. If you are taking medication, talk to a health professional, as these herb extracts will contain ingredients that have pharmacological properties similar to those of synthetic drugs; the combination of herb and drug may result in side effects.


Natural Health Product

Current research

In conventional medicine, rapid and effective pain relief can be obtained using a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as Ibuprofen, analgesic drugs such as acetaminophen or narcotic (ex.: hydromorphone) and, or, muscle relaxants drugs. Clinical trials and medical practice has shown that this pharmacological-based approach to pain management can be effective. However, there are limitations to pain relief even with prescription medications. For example, replacing a mild narcotic pain killer with a stronger opiate (e.g., morphine) may relieve the pain, yet it may also result in intolerable side effects. This is where the herbal approach could offer some advantages, using similar strategies such as blocking the pain signal with herbs that offer anti-inflammatory, analgesic and muscular relaxant properties,  though with fewer side effects.

Extracts of the secondary root of devil’s claw have been tested in many clinical trials, including controlled clinical trials in patients with arthritis and low back pain. It is a very effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic herb. California poppy is an analgesic and sedative-hypnotic herb that is an excellent pain-relief remedy. Part of its pharmacological activity is derived from ingredients that act on the same pharmacological sites in the body that are targeted by analgesic or sedative synthetic drugs. These properties can be exploited to develop effective remedies for pain relief and pain-related insomnia. Devil’s claw and California poppy in combination make very good remedies for pain relief, as they act on both anti-inflammatory and analgesic targets.


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